In Pokémon GO, Seasons are periods of time that feature new events, Pokémon debuts, and surprises that all follow a certain theme.
As the Seasons change, you may also find different Pokémon appearing in your area and hatching from Eggs. Make sure to explore during each in-game Season to collect and train as many different Pokémon as you can! You’ll also enjoy special bonuses as you do.
You never know what new surprises you’ll find during a new Pokémon GO Season. Why not check out what the latest one has to offer?
Welcome to Pokémon GO: Might and Mastery
March 4, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. – June 3, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. local time
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What to Look Forward to This Season
Might and Mastery
Meet the Wushu Pokémon, Kubfu!
Embark on the path of Might and Mastery with a legendary Pokémon at your side! Throughout Pokémon GO: Might and Mastery, you’ll be able to grow, hone your skills, and become stronger alongside the Fighting-type Pokémon Kubfu.
You’ll also be able to unlock new heights of mastery through Dynamax!
With enough training, Kubfu can evolve into one of two forms of the Pokémon Urshifu: Single Strike Style or Rapid Strike Style.
Might and Mastery Special Research
Available to claim from Wednesday, March 5, at 10:00 a.m. to Tuesday, June 3, 2025, at 9:59 a.m. local time
Encounter Dynamax Kubfu and more with this Season’s Special Research.
New parts of the Special Research will unlock over the course of the Season, so make sure to keep an eye on your research tab!
Might and Mastery Paid Special Research – A Second Path
For US$8.00 (or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency), you can play through a separate Special Research and encounter Dynamax Kubfu again.
You can purchase a ticket for this Special Research from Wednesday, March 5, at 10:00 a.m. to Monday, March 10, 2025, at 8:00 p.m. local time
Ticket holders will gain access to the Special Research during Might and Mastery. To receive the Special Research, you must open Pokémon GO at some point between Wednesday, March 5, at 10:00 a.m. to Monday, March 10, 2025, at 8:00 p.m. local time. After you’ve received the Special Research, you can complete it at any time.
Max Pokémon Debuts
Demonstrate your Max Battle mastery.
Dynamax Raikou, Dynamax Entei, and Dynamax Suicune will leap into Max Battles at different points during Might and Mastery.
And stay alert! Gigantamax Machamp and more will emerge as Gigantamax Battles continue!
Pokémon Debuts
More Pokémon originally discovered in the Galar region, which was featured in the Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield games for Nintendo Switch, have been spotted in Pokémon GO!
Be on the lookout for Nickit, Thievul, and more!
Seasonal Highlights
Community Days
Mark your calendar! Might and Mastery will have Community Day events on the following dates.
March 8
March Community Day
March 22
March Community Day Classic
April 27
April Community Day
May 11
May Community Day
May 24
May Community Day Classic
Power Up Ticket
Trainers will be able to purchase a Power Up Ticket during Might and Mastery. This ticket will help Trainers to get the most out of the Season by granting bonuses such as one additional Candy XL for completing Raid Battles and Max Battles!
Themed Stickers
You’ll be able to get themed stickers by spinning PokéStops, opening Gifts, and purchasing them from the in-game shop.
GO Battle League
The GO Battle League returns as part of Might and Mastery! Get your Pokémon ready to battle in competitions such as the Willpower Cup, the Spring Cup, Master Premier, and more!
PokéStop Showcases throughout Pokémon GO: Might and Mastery will be held from Saturday to Sunday as well as from Monday to Tuesday. Log in weekly to find out which Pokémon you can show off!
Seasonal Rotations
Encounter Pokémon by completing the Research Breakthrough!
Complete Field Research to unlock Research Breakthrough encounters with one of the following Pokémon.
For the first time in Pokémon GO, Charcadet may appear as a Shiny Pokémon starting March 5 at 10:00 a.m. local time.
Different Pokémon will appear in the wild!
As the Season changes, different Pokémon will appear in different areas across the world!
The following Pokémon will hatch from Eggs this Season!
Seasonal Bonuses
Might and Mastery will feature the following bonuses all Season long!
Increased friendship bonus damage dealt by Pokémon in raids.
Trainers level 31 and above will receive one guaranteed Rare Candy XL when defeating a five-star Raid Boss during a Raid Hour.
Trainers level 31 and above will receive one guaranteed Candy XL when trading Pokémon.
Increased Stardust for the first catch of the day.